Friday 9 November 2012

Don’t Worry, Be Happy :)

I realize that lots of teens nowadays are always stressed out about minor things. Or in girls’ case, we sometimes feel stressed for no reason. I’m not saying that I’m never stressed. I get stressed lots of times, sometimes about minor things or even for no reason !!! 

This, me dear friends, is what happens when you get too much stress.
I call it a stress overload :) 
                   You see, some people don’t really know how to relieve their stress the right way. Some drink, some smoke, some go for drugs, some even do other stupid stuff. I know, I have. I know some people will be asking themselves “ What can I do ?????” The right way to relief stress depends on what you truly like. For me, it’s music. Every time I’m stressed, the headphones or earphones get plugged in and I’ll be lost in my own world. Music helps me escape the stressful world and gives me time to clear my mind. I just can’t stand silence !!! Music slows down my time is a good way and allows me to think. It’s not just me, probably a majority of teens have the same way to relieve their stress and anger. 

         Other people have other ways of clearing their mind. Like some of my friends, some people relieve their tension through sports. I do it too, only not as often. Basketball, swimming, snooker, golf…… There are so many sports one can do to relieve stress. I would suggest badminton, squash and tennis because they involve hitting and smashing something (just now too violently !!!). For some women’s cases, they take long showers. I guess guys do it too, just not as much. If I could, I would too !! I LOVE the feel of water (clean water, please !!!) If I have a bathtub I would fill it up with sweet-scented soap water and stay in it for hours !!!! Showers are okay but my legs can get tired from all that standing. But lets get back to the topic shall we ??? 

        So many ways to release tension and anger….. Sleeping, eating (just control yourselves okay ??), cooking, drawing, games… There are so many ways to relieve stress, SAFE WAYS !!!! All those ways stated are not only healthy, they are also safe and require less cash. Why spend your money on drugs, cigarettes and alcohol,  yet risk your own life at the same time ???? Such a waste !!! Even worse, commit suicide !!!! The most cowardly and stupid thing to do is commit suicide !! It’s not wrong to calm your mind before doing anything stupid, isn’t it ?  Here are a few steps on how to face them bloody problems :-

        If your friends are telling you to do wrong this to relieve your stress, my first advice to you is : STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM !!! They are not your real friends. The truth hurts but it’s true. A real friend wouldn’t want you to put your health and life to risk. A real friend want you to be TRULY happy. A real friend wouldn’t let you do stupid stuff. And if you’re confused on what to do…. Read my post on choices (Title : Lefts and Rights – What are they ??? O.o) and I hope it helps. 

      That’s all from me now… I gotta go release today’s stress by taking a shower :) And remember : Don’t WORRY, be HAPPY !!!! Life is much better on the positive side. Signing off at 5.45pm. Peace out y’all !!! (V) ^^

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