Friday 9 November 2012

Lefts and Rights – What’s that ??? O.o

Now can anybody tell me what are lefts and rights ?? No, they do not mean your hands and feet. Directions ??? Kind of. What directions ?? Directions in life !!! A.K.A. Choices !!!! We make choices every single day. And I tell you most solemnly (Yes, I’m quoting Jesus), of all the gifts God has given to us, the gift of choice is one of the best yet most dangerous one. 

First of all, He has given us the choice to either do His will and follow His words or not. Some of us who were born Christians or other religions also have the choice whether to keep our religion or not !! Let’s start from the beginning of the world shall we ?? When God made the Earth and His first two children, Adam and Eve, He told them not to eat from the tree of knowledge, did He not ? And there was the first choice humans made – to eat, or not to eat ??? They chose to eat the fruit, hence we go back to CHOICES. Eve may have been tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit, but she still had the choice whether to listen to the Devil or not, to surrender to that temptation or not. She may have chosen the wrong choice, but it was still her choice !!! And every wrong choice brings something bad. The moment Eve made that choice, Evil started to rise. 

So do you wanna go LEFT or RIGHT ???
But, there are also good choices, of course. Even when Eve made the wrong choice that caused her to lose her and her husband‘s paradise, God gave their family another choice. To spread His word or not, to live their life completely in God’s will or not, or even whether to fight for their faith or not !!! And I tell you, these choices have made mankind what we are now. Without these choices, I can’t possibly imagine what the world would be like now. But even the one of the greatest descendant of God, David has made a very wrong choice. 

Even in our  daily lives, we make choices every single day !! Every morning, we make a choice on whether to get up from bed or not, the change our clothes or to wear our jammies, the take a shower or not, what to eat for breakfast and so many others !!! We may not know that we are making these choices but they are indeed choices. One minor choice can cause big things to happen. For example, breakfast. If we choose not to eat breakfast and go to school or work, we can get very hungry and that causes us to pay very little attention to what we’re doing. We can’t say that somebody has FORCED you to do something, because we have a choice whether to do it or not do it and face the consequences. It’s a matter of whether we want to face the consequences or not, and there we go again – CHOICES !! 

Life is full of choices, whether minor ones or major ones. It’s a matter of knowing what’s right and just, and doing the right thing. Lots of hard choices don’t involve any benefit for the choice-maker. But sometimes, one can’t just think about oneself. If a wise king has to choose to either surrender his crown for his people’s safety or not, he would most probably put the lives of hundreds of people in front of his royalty and surrender his crown. Or he can choose to fight for his people. His life or theirs ??? Big responsibilities always lead to big choices. So we have to learn to make right choices. You may choose something that truly benefits you, but you know as they say “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”, others can get the consequences because of your choice. If you don't know what to do, there is always another choice - to get people to make that choice for you or at least get them to help you in making the right choice !!! There are always friends, teachers, parents, siblings and counselors to help you :)  I would suggest you get someone that can understand you and your feelings. 

Well that’s all from me about Lefts and Rights. And no, it is not a proper idiom or proverb, so please don’t write “lefts and rights” as an idiom or proverb in you English essays. Hahaha !!! I know my posts are long, but my one flaw in English writing is I can’t write short essays. So please bear with me :) Hope you enjoyed my posts and will enjoy my future post. Signing off now, its 12.00pm. Byessssss !!! 

1 comment:

  1. watch this and rmb it y'all :)
