Thursday 8 November 2012

Ups and Downs - Intro

As human beings, we all have ups and downs, right ???? Lefts and rights too ??? 

          Let me get this straight, ups and downs, as we all know, are the happy and sad moments we all have in life. There isn't a single human being on Earth that doesn't have any ups or downs(either one). The richest kid in the whole world may look like an ever-happy kiddo. But how is it possible to be fully happy when his/her parents are barely home to spend time with their kid ?? They can be out somewhere with their friends or colleagues, either having fun or working. That kid can't even experience his/her parents' full love when he is always being attended to by maids and servants that are commissioned by his/her parents !!!! 
          Then again, the poorest kid must also have ups and downs !!! He/she can't be fully happy when he/she has to struggle to feed either just himself/herself or others. But I tell you truthfully, when it comes to happiness, the poorest kid has more chances of being happy. With a positive mind and parents or people he can laugh around with no matter what condition they're in, HE/SHE CAN BE FULLY HAPPY !!!!!! But the richest kid cannot even be fully happy because he has absolutely nobody that understands him best !!! In real life, parents are supposed to understand their  child best because that child comes directly from them. But how can they understand that child if they barely spend time with him/her. Much more say even have time to BOTHER listening to that child of theirs !!! I tell you in my opinion, the richest parents are the most RIDICULOUS !!!  
I saw this on the Internet once... That kid may have a slightly dirty face and messy hair
or even a drew-on crown.. He's still so happy :) Such a cute kid.. 
          But we're missing one category of kids - normal kids. Even normal kids have ups and downs !!! It can be from parents, studies, teachers, friends, partners(in teenagers' case), finance and many others !!! Most child slavery or abuse and rape cases in the world involve just normal kids !!! Just think of how many lives are traumatized in the world. Parents and studies probably give lots of pressure, hence life's "downs", especially when one has ASIAN PARENTS !!! I'm not being racist here but it's true !! But a normal kid can also have an equal amount of "ups". Averagely, normal kids don't have to find a living until they reach a certain age. Most have parents that actually care and understand them. Even orphans can be happy because at least they have relatives or friends to be with. A normal kid can afford to get his/her own wants, unlike poor kids. And unlike most rich kids, normal ones have parents to talk to sometimes. They can bond with their parents whenever possible. 
            Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming everything on parents. Parents play a very important role in a kids life and future. One big mistake can ruin one part of a kid's life. Parents also have ups and downs. They have to work hard for their kid's life. They also struggle in lots of things. Most just want some time away from all the burdens, including their kid, and just hang out with their friends to have some fun. I don't blame them !! Us kids can be quite a handful, I know. Yet, a busy dad that probably works all around the clock but gets a low paycheck can also be one of the happiest man when he gets home because his kid(s) can be his happiness (aside from his wife of course!!!). 
              See, we all have ups and downs. Whether you are a boy, girl, man, woman, child or adult. We all have ups and downs. It's just a matter of how much ups and downs and how serious they are. Ups and Downs............. I don't know how many times a day I think of mine. Some even make toss and turn when I'm about to sleep. But don't keep asking yourself: "Why does this always happen to me ?? "  or " Why did that happen to me ???". Sometimes we just need to appreciate them. Without these ups and downs, we wouldn't be what we are now. Our mistakes and lessons are what make us more cautious about how we think and what we do. We grow up on our ups and downs. We also grow up with our lefts and rights but that's another topic I'll post up another time...

               So that's all from me tonight folks !!!! It's 9.30pm now.. I'd better get going with my other stuff online before my neighbor goes to sleep and turns off the wifi :) I hope you like my first blog post on Ups and Downs.. I would have used a diary or something but I never update my diaries and I just hate writing !!! Hehehe ...  Next topic : LEFTS AND RIGHTS !!!! :D

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