Sunday 11 November 2012

Unique Gifts Given To Us ~~

Ever heard of people saying to themselves or other people that they’re “useless” or have no “talent” and “potential” ? I guaranty you, everyone has had that thought. Some people find their “talents” at a very young age and use it wisely. Meanwhile some never got to know what theirs are.  Some people, however, know what their “talents” are but don’t have enough confidence, support or chances to show them.

          Some of you may not know this, but these “talents” or “potentials” are all gifts from the Holy Spirit. Most people thinks that “talent” means being able to sing, dance, draw, or speak well; some think it means being rich and famous, or having a good and wealthy family. It’s all true, but there are also many other forms of gifts.

          One of them is the gift of happiness. People with this kind of gift are usually called happy-go-lucky people. They never stop smiling, laughing and cheering people up. Some people have the gift of friendship or hospitality, meaning they’re friendly people that have many true friends. And trust me, true friends are very hard to find. But I tell you, there are a lot of gifts that all of us have. For example, the gift  of LOVE. We can all love, and the thing about love is that it has no limits !!! Love came from God, therefore we share God's love by loving others !!! Just because there are more and more people in this world, doesn't mean that His love for us has decreased, not even just a little bit !!! We, too, can use this gift of love to love and care for others just as He loves us non-stop, no matter what wrong things we have done that disappoints Him. There are also gifts of laughter, tears, emotions, friendship and so many more !!!

          There may be those that have beneficial gifts but are mocked or laughed at for having these kinds of gifts. Therefore, these gifted ones take their gifts as a curse and blame their parents or God for them. One of these gifts is the gift of cleanliness. Sometimes people with this special gift are mocked as “neat freaks”, meaning they always try their best to be clean, neat, tidy and oriented. But what some of them don’t know is that this gift of theirs is getting more and more rare in this century. Not many people have neat and tidy cars or bedrooms. I know I’m not one of 
those with the gift of cleanliness ( Yes, I admit it ! ) .

          I admit this : I’m most definitely not one of the cleanest or tidiest person in the world !!! I like being messy and I really, really, really HATE cleaning up my room. Especially after messing it up the way I like it. For those of you that are reading this and you just KNOW that we’re the same, well, HIGH-5 !! It’s not wrong to be messy (to us that is), although some people might disagree. Messy people are often called lazy, which is true in a way. But it’s just how we are. We may not have the gift of cleanliness or tidiness, but I’m sure we have other gifts. I, for one, tend to recover from things easily if I want to. I’m not always moody or emotional over things. When I have sadness in me, I’ll just laugh it off with my friends or family. Or let music drift it off me, like many other music-lovers. I know where all my problems drift off to – to God. He takes away my problems very quickly and every time I try to find something to praise Him for, I praise and thank him for this gift of mine.

A lot of my friends always ask me why I’m always so calm and happy even when the biggest exam comes and everyone else is stressed out about it or when something bad happens to me. And I’ll just answer them : "Because I’m made this way and it’s in my nature". I may not be naturally smart and hardworking like my other relatives, I may not be a very athletic person, I may not be able to sing or dance well,  or may have lots of people that dislike me. But I have my true friends, family and other gifts in exchange.

I am who God has made me, and I know that He has made me fearfully and wonderfully (Psalm 139:13-18 / Genesis 1:27). Each one of us is made uniquely with special gifts. It can be the gift of friendship, charity, service, happiness, business, love, voice, speech, imagination, creativity, choice or many others. Gifts come in many different forms. They can be given to you at any age or time. It’s a matter of knowing what they are and using them wisely in God’s name.

One of the gift that all of us most definitely have is the gift of eternal life which Jesus Christ has bestowed upon us. So if you think that you’re not special or gifted in any way, THINK AGAIN !!! This time, think harder into your life. Because each and every one of God’s children (that’s you) is gifted. Better yet, share your gifts !! Show the whole world what God's gifts are to you... AS LONG AS YOU DO IT IN GOD'S HOLY NAME !!! For it is said in the Bible : Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10). ===================================================================
Well..... I hope this can give a second thought about your life and how to appreciate your life :) I pray that it can help you in your life and that you can let others know how special they are too !! So it's getting rather late (or early, if you prefer) since it's 2.10am now... I guess I'd better turn out the lights and enter dreamland :) Goodnight !!! 

*** Oh and btw (in case you don't know, it means "by the way")... If you have been reading my posts from the first to this one, I really really wanna thank you for actually spending your time on reading them :) THANK YOU !!!!!! And I'm kinda running out of ideas on what to blog about (for now) .. So if you want me to blog anything, let me know by commenting here.. If I think your idea is good to blog about and if I can actually do a post on it, I will !!! :D 

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